Monday, February 02, 2004

Superbowl or Superboob?

Okay, I surrender. I can't run from the internal desire to add my voice to the countless others before me. It's Monday night and I'm still recovering from the Superbowl and Budlight, having been saturated by both. I wanted the Panthers to win and I'll offer no apologies, wimpy explanations, or concession speeches as to the outcome. I was happy the game wasn't over in the first five minutes but that's about as far as my joy extends. From what I hear Janet Jackson's boob is getting more press than the game. I didn't see it live but thanks to technology and the almighty web I have not only seen the spot, but up close and personal. Costume malfunction? Yeah right. Of course, most tops worn by women will malfunction when you rip them off. And did you see the size of that piercing? How the hell do you ever get through airport security with that thing? I can only guess she put it in prior to the show with the intention of it being seen. I guess it all depends what you're into. As for me, I'll pass. A person could chip a tooth on that thing.


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