Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Bob Knight has a temper?

Well, Bob Knight is reportedly in hot water again for verbally lashing out at his University Chancellor at a grocery store of all places.

Bob Knight has a temper? Who knew?

You would think he would be a little more selective at who he blasts but it's certainly no surprise given his history. To expect less would be like putting Mike Tyson in front of a group of reporters and expecting him to be a perfect gentleman. It's not going to happen. I don't deny he's a successful coach. Notice I chose the word successful over good.

Fear is a hell of a motivator.

People from all walks of life to include dictators, bosses, spouses, along with sorry-ass parents use it rather efficiently. Coaches are not the exception. Will Texas Tech take action against Knight? From the cheap seats I doubt it. Winning has become too important to the bottom line in college sports. If I happen to run into Bob at the grocery store however I'll think twice about asking him how he's doing!


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